Association of Condominums and
Homeowners of Sun City West

(623) 214-6006   -

Public Information
Members Only

Vacation Checklist

A front yard, patio, porch or carport that shows debris and papers is an open invitation to burglars!

STOP - All regular delivery services such as newspapers.   Call circulation departments with the date to stop delivery.  

AZ Republic/Gazette 602-444-1000
Independent 623-972-6101
News-Sun 623-977-8351

FILL OUT - A Vacation Watch card and deliver it to the the Posse.  The Posse will go by your association periodically for an outside visual check.  The cards are available at the Posse Headquarters, 20450 N. Stardust Blvd, Sun City West, AZ 85375-3316

INFORM - The Post Office to hold or forward your mail.
Your Chairman and your neighbors of the dates you will be gone and your address and phone number.

ARRANGE - With a neighbor to pick up any mail, handbills, papers, etc. left in the open.
With a neighbor or a 'House Sitter' to check inside your unit periodically.

SET - Your furnace and air conditioner properly for the period of your absence.
5 gallon buckets of water in all rooms to provide moisture and prevent furniture from drying out.
Have 'house sitter' fill as needed.

VERIFY - That your Chairman or Co-Chairman  has an emergency key envelope for you unit..  Is your emergency information current?

MARK - For identification mark your possessions with your drivers license number.

UNPLUG - Automatic garage door opener (plug is usually in the ceiling), all radios, TVs, computers, stereos, VCR's, etc.

All water faucets firmly off.
Off outside water faucets provided this does not interfere with sprinkler/bubblers.
All kitchen range burners and oven switches off.
Refrigerator/freezer thermostats to vacation setting.
Freezers are more efficient when almost full (using milk cartons full of water fills the freezer).
For extended periods it may be advisable to empty the unit, prop the door open, and turn it off.
Ice machine off.
All desired electrical switches to the off position (hot water heater, etc)
